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Climate change linked to increased dependancy on Russia for gas

Poland has managed to get together a blocking minority to stall climate change initiatives in the EU. But the really interesting part is that a major worry of Poland, besides just not being able to afford the changes needed in order not to be financially penalised, is being even more dependant on Russian gas.

Surely WW2 has taught Europe that to be dependant on Russia is fraught with extreme danger?

And if WW2 is too far in the distant past, maybe the time Russia cut off gas for three days in 2006, and threats to do the same again in 2008 should stir some to maybe think again as to where all this climate change rubbish is heading and who it will benefit?

Related Link: Poland says it has gathered enough support to stall EU carbon emission controls ~ Irish Times
Gazprom to Cut Gas Shipments to Ukraine in Half, Putting European Supplies in Peril March 5, 2008; ~ Money Morning
